BeGo Coaching & Training
Everything I do is based on ‘coaching’ and ‘life skills’. On these workshop days I want the children to realise that:
• it is important to have goals and want to be successful, this is what makes us get out of bed in the morning and achieve!
• we can learn anything- if we really want to!
• effort always leads to results
• we learn through following a process.......
• life is so much easier if we get on with everyone!
All my workshops are fun, interactive and fast paced. They are designed to 'kick-off' or build on your 'growth mindset' work within school. As well as being motivational, the workshops are designed to bring out enterprising and character building behaviours such as self-starting, team working, resilience, problem solving, effective communication, willingness to take a risk, leading others and coming up with new ideas.
As part of the workshop the children will:
• understand that success in all the day's activities comes from effort
• help raise each other's self esteem through playing the name game
• learn the 'pen trick' to demonstrate that we can learn anything if we really want to. This is a simple trick, however it takes effort and only those who want to learn the trick, will. As the day goes on, more and children learn the trick which encourages the others that it can be done!
• understand what motivates us to work hard, get on with others and learn. This is achieved through the children thinking about what success means to them and also what they want when they are older, jobs, cars, houses, holidays etc, and then making and flying paper aeroplanes
• learn to juggle to emphasise that we learn through following a process. This clearly demonstrates that teachers know the process for taking a child successfully through learning a new skill or subject- as long as the child follows the process, they will learn
• work in teams, developing communication and leaderships skills. This is achieved through team building games involving building tepees! The children are given no information about how to make the tepee so this encourages them to learn from their mistakes!
• play a spot the difference game to develop self confidence through realising we all have skills and talents which will make us successful, IF we look for the opportunities to use those skills and talents!
• understand the importance of the best possible educational foundation for their future
Suitable for all levels of children, this workshop is highly motivational and interactive, and every child will take away something useful which will help their personal development- and they are also great fun. I tailor the workshop to fit the timings of your day.
I have a modified version for Yr4.